Tuesday 2 October 2012

Tentacle Creature Concepts

To imagine what my final tentacle creature's qualities or actions would look like, I created 6 different concepts for a tentacle monster. Each moderately different than the other. With the mood board alone I didn't have a solid idea of my final creature but now with these sketches I think I have a pretty good idea of how the monster is going to look.

Concept 1: Ocean View House Monster

This design started as a giant squid emerging from the water, but I wanted to try something different. The monster instead has a house for a head, with one occupant. I tried to shape the head into a small island rock with some wildlife and plants growing from it to act as a sort of weird safe haven. The two eyes are the windows from the house and above them is the door.

I think is idea is one of my favourites because I could expand on this to make the entire creature a small village. With the main house being the creature head, and the other houses hanging off the individual tentacles.

Concept 2: Arachnid type tentacle creature

For this design I wanted to combine a spider and a creature with tentacles. Spider legs move like most insect legs do; Place on ground, Grip surface, Move body, Lift leg. With this creature I wanted to explore a tentacle monster having the same surface gripping properties as a spider but with each tentacle being able to move and twist into any direction, making the tentacle monster startlingly agile.

I didn't complete much of the body for this design but If I think it would be an interesting result if I were to expand on this concept.

Concept 3: Giant Armour Plated Squid

For this concept I wanted to keep the squid's ink trait in the tentacles but at the same time create an exoskeleton for the tentacles. This was an interesting idea to explore since now the natural movement of the squid would be limited due to the armour or exoskeleton. I only did create one of the tentacles but If expanded on this I think it would be an interesting task to design the exoskeleton of a giant squid.

Concept 4: The Fisherman's Pet

In this sketch I wanted another helpful tentacle creature, one that didn't necessarily attack but helped people out. I wanted to include the ocean again however I thought that the ocean tentacle monster had been overdone a little. So instead I based the monster in the sky. I also wanted to draw as many tentacles as possible to reveal the true size of the creature in the sky. I think I like the contrast between the looming creature overhead turning out to be helping a man have a fishing session at sea.

This is probably my second favourite concept and I would really like to see where this would go if I were to expand upon it.

Concept 5: The Hermit Monster

Still sticking to the sea theme, I wanted to design a creature similar to a hermit crab. Rather than a tentacle monster living inside a shell I think it turned out to be a tentacle monster that had taken over a hermit crab's shell and made it's home there, making holes to accommodate the many tentacles. I like the idea however I do not think I will expand upon it.

Concept 6: Fridge Monster hungry for Apple Juice on a Jet pack whilst being filmed

And this is the design where I completely ran out of ideas and combined things to see what worked. I have no idea why the monster is coming out of the fridge, why it has an insatiable appetite for apple juice, why the apple juice is strapped to a jet pack or why this entire situation is being filmed by a flying camera. But what I do know is that I probably will not be expanding on this. Ever.

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