Tuesday 9 October 2012

Robot Concepts

To get a sense of my final robot, I designed 4 different concepts with one goal in mind: Automations designed for helpful usage. These are the results:

Concept 1: Underwater Express

Since the tentacle assignment I still had the ocean fresh in my mind so I created a very slow moving robot that is capable of traversing the ground underwater. The reason for the amount of legs this robot has is to enhance it's grip on the ocean terrain. I also wanted to explore a robot made from scrap, different pieces of different plates bolted onto the main chassis as if it was built on a budget. I quite liked this design and would like to see it expanded upon.

Concept 2: Coffee Heater

In 1983, Doctor Robert Markus discovered that if he left his morning coffee alone for 10 minutes, it would soon go cold thus spoiling his much wanted brew. So he built a moving bipedal cup warmer.

I love the idea of small automated contraptions being built from everyday objects whilst still retaining their use. Like this lighter for example, It can move and hold coffee and do things a normal lighter couldn't do. But at the same time it can use it's regular lighter function; sparking a flame. Combining these two attributes made the interesting result of a small robot that can probably do more than just heat coffee.

Concept 3: Automated Interplanetary Technician

Whilst designing this robot I wanted to try out a humanoid robot. I didn't quite get the proportions right but I think the concept is still depicted clear. The advantages of having a humanoid robot with all the functions of a human would be that special tools and equipment wouldn't have to be designed along side it, instead it can just use already established well known concepts of tools. Such as screwdrivers and wrenches. Which is why the idea of a technician robot felt so appealing whilst drawing this.

Concept 4: Seeking Roller

For this robot I had no real function other than it included tank treds and a lens attached to it's servo with a small weapon all powered by a small energy source like a battery. I think it could be designed to help people who are otherwise unreachable by humans or maybe to find lost objects. If I were to expand upon this I think I would add a definite function but I think the beauty of such a simple robot is that it can do so much more than it would seem.

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