Thursday 31 January 2013

Sci FI Cannon Assignment

For this assignment I was asked to look at a 3D paint-over video and apply some of these techniques to a sci fi cannon design that I will make in 3D. We were given the choice to use the one presented in the video however I think I just like my designs, as simple as they are.

Here is the video of the paint-over:

I made a few notes on the techniques I will most likely be applying to my paint-over...

1:53 - The model is rendered and moved into photoshop to begin the paintover
2:07 - A Texture is added and then transform > skewed to fit the perspective of the area
2:27 - To have a texture wrap around a cylindrical object, the warp tool is applied to the texture
2:55 - Extra details are added in that do not originate from 3D

First I did a quick moodboard on different cannon shapes, movements and structures:

I really like the idea of a stationary cannon that can have dual-axis movement rather than going back to the old style cannon movements with only vertical axis aiming.

I did some quick designing to discover what the final cannon will look like:

I then started modelling the cannon in 3D.

Here is the base of the cannon:

I then modelled the main cannon body:

I then linked  the base and the body together and added some extra aiming details:

I then exported the model into Maya to set up the 3 point lighting. Here is the resulting render:

I then rendered an image into photoshop and painted the base colours onto the model to give it a sort of army camouflage look. Who knows, maybe in the near future the army is still obsessed with the colour green.

Finally I added the textures to the model and here is the final result:

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