Thursday 13 December 2012

Space Ship Work In Progress

Here are my WIP's for my Space Ship Model:

Here I started with a cube and began shaping the base exterior:

I then shaped out the cockpit and added slightly more detail to the wings:

I then hollowed out the cockpit and the storage room behind it before adding some more shape to the wings and the top and bottom of the ship.

Finally I opened out the back of the ship and added the ship's propulsion engines.

Description of the SpaceShip:

This ship is meant for commercial use and is only meant to be used by one man however the ship can accommodate up to 4 people aboard before certain safety regulations are breached. The ship is small in size and is used for quick travel across the stars with relative ease. As well as additional RCS thrusters, the ship comes with aerodynamics in case the personnel aboard encounter a rough planetary atmosphere. The main propulsion thrusters located at the back of the ship are powered by the crew's favourite chemical compound fuel, but the engines can still operate on a low thrust using the main solar panel located on top of the craft. This is recommended for long periods of space travel. The cockpit comes pre-installed with the latest Google Glass Eye Optics window which has been customised to suit space travel on a galactic scale. The Ship is also fitted with a small wireless receiver tuned to a low 6G. This allows connection to the internet to be maintained so long as the craft remains within an approximate 3 light years from the solar system (Sol).

Texture Test.

Here is a small texture I whipped up to be applied to the exterior hull:

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