Wednesday 7 November 2012

Plane Crash - 2 Week Assignment

For this assignment I am required to develop a scene depicting a plane crash following instructions set in a brief:

Your scenario is: an aircraft (Boeing 747, American Airlines) has crash landed in New York, (Lower East Side area). The plane has come to rest smashed into a building. The fuselage is broken but largely intact. Parts of the aircraft have broken off and rubble and wreckage is strewn around with some smoke and fire. Our hero character (white male, 30, dark hair, T shirt, jeans) was onboard but has miraculously survived the crash and is standing stunned before the wreckage (to give the scene scale, drama and a focal point for the viewer). The director isn’t sure which time of day will work best for this scene and wants you to produce alternatives for him to consider.

I started off by creating a mood board of various Boeing models so I could get a feel of the general structure and form of a plane rather than just the 747:

I then created a mood board of the lower east side of New York:

Next I created a mood board of different plane wreckages to give me a sense of the innards of planes, not just  a Boeing:

I still felt that I didn't have that much knowledge of the internals and structures of Boeings so I created a mood board containing blue prints and images showing the inner workings of the aircraft:

I finally created the initial idea sketch in which my resulting piece will be built upon. I like the idea of the setting being in an under croft but I may change it to a low hanging bridge. I really like the idea of the plane being split by an impact happening off camera and then the wreckage shown to have grinded across the concrete surface:

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