Tuesday 15 May 2012

Fishing Creature

Base Tones

 Highlights and Shadows

Base Colour

 Defined Lighting


Inserting a 3D object into 2D scenery

For this exercise we had to insert a 3d Tube into a 2D scene using a shadow matte technique and correct positioning of a target camera in 3ds max. I think the result is very interesting and I have a feeling I will be revisiting this technique again due to it's simplicity and effectiveness.

Monday 14 May 2012

South Park Animation Test

For this exercise we had to create two characters from the tv show South Park. One had parts that was supplied for us and the other we had to create using an online character builder to make a character resembling ourselves. We were then tasked to animate it to resemble the workflow of that of a South Park animator (Low Framerate, Jerky type movements). I was overall pleased with the result and enjoyed the mix of 2D like keyframing in a 3D program.

Horror Easter Bunny

For this exercise we were asked to design and create a horror themed Easter bunny. At first I had the idea of a rabbit that transformed in the moonlight like a werewolf would, however it resulted in a cutesy looking rabbit with a lot of blue wispy aura as it emerges out of a black portal/shadow from the ground. Despite the change, I still kept the ominous looking moon.

Block Colour Sketch

For this exercise we had to create a sketch using block colours to express a scene, I think I spent too much time thinking about the style of the block colours and sadly could not finish all of the details. Despite this I think I was still able to convey the scene we were given.